Thursday, 2 July 2020

Happy summer!

We did it!

We tried and tried and we finally were able to make the most of the extraordinary situation we have been coping with for the last 3 months. Some of you made a great effort to keep on learning and engaging with school so give yourselves a pat on the back! Now it's time to relax and enjoy your well deserved holidays. 

For those of you who have to continue working during the summer, keep up the good work and you will see the results in September :) 

And now, a few words for our seniors who haven't been able to say goodbye properly and who will certainly be missed: It's been great to be your teacher if only for a couple of years and I have really enjoyed getting to know you a bit more. I wish you all the best for the future and  I really look forward to seeing you for your Graduation in September!

You can see our 4th ESO farewell video below 👇👇👇

Monday, 11 May 2020

My favourite gadget

Aki / Japan
My favorite gadget's the computer. I can't live without Internet or e-mailing or skyping. I always talk with my friends over Skype, domestic and international. I also always do a lot of Internet shopping. I love shopping on

Lindsay / United States
My favorite gadget is the cell phone. I really like being able to contact my friends at anytime I want to and I use it so often as a dictionary or to talk to my friends or to e-mail my friends or even to take pictures.

Shalini / Canada
To tell you the truth, I'm not much of a gadget person, however this little eight gigabyte hard-drive thing that I have here has really come in handy. It's thin and light and saves all my documents.

Lori / Canada
I'm not really all that fond of electronic gadgets but I guess the only one I use regularly now is my cellphone in Japan. When I first got my cell phone, I was really excited because it's years ahead in technology from what we have in Canada so that's really the only gadget that I use right now.

Tom / United States
I really love this electric hotpot I have. When I get home, I fill it full of water. I plug it in. I throw in some tea and I already have relaxed.

Jeff / Canada
My favorite gadget is a handheld game system that I just got, but I didn't buy it for the games. I bought it for the software you can get that turns it into an electronic dictionary and it actually recognizes you handwritings so you can write on the screen and look up words, that way. It's really fun.


Now write about your favourite gadget. You can answer the 5 W’s:

What is it? What do you use it for?

Why is it your favourite?

When did you get it? Was it a present?

Where do you use it?

When do you use it?



Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Happy Earth Day!

Today, we're celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. 

Earth Day reminds us to take care of our planet—whether it’s cleaning up, planting more trees, recycling or going for a walk in the mountains. 

Honoring the name of this blog and because whales are one of the animals threatened with extinction, I am posting this wonderful National Geographic video to learn a bit more about the biggest mammals on Earth. 


If you like quizzes, you can do some interesting ones on the Earth Day site. There is one specifically dealing with whales: 

And remember to 

Thursday, 16 April 2020


                                       Carteles y Impresión Artística Quarantine Funny Virus | TeePublic MX                             

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Learning together is always better!

Now, more than ever, we are reminded of the importance of working together. 

During the 2nd term we have done pair work activities, small group activities and team work in the English class. 

We have used scaffolding techniques to boost cooperative learning. Moreover, during the lessons with Joshua, our language assistant, we have used gamification techniques in order to learn while we have fun.  It has certainly been a good one!

We really hope to be back to school soon. Meanwhile, here is a video of some of our 2nd and 3rd ESO students slaving away at the activities. Stay home, stay safe!

Friday, 27 March 2020

Alanna Shaikh Ted Talk on COVID-19

In this TED TALK recorded last 5th March,  health consultant Alanna Shaikh explains what COVID-19 is, how it has spread and highlights the medical changes needed worldwide to prepare for the next pandemic. 

If you want, you can also click on the link below that will redirect you to the Ted Talk official webpage and where you can use subtitles (either in English or Spanish) or even follow the transcript.

After you've watched, try to answer the following questions.

What personal advice does Ms Shaikh give at the end of her talk? 
(from minute  12:40)


Can you complete the following 1st conditional sentences?

  • If you think you have symptoms, ____________________________
  • If you’re diagnosed with COVID-19, _________________________
  • And if you are a smoker, ______________________________


healthcare: asistencia médica
quarantine: cuarentena
outbreak: brote

Sunday, 8 March 2020

Becas Eurolingua Venairlanda®


En 2020 y por octavo año consecutivo Eurolingua Venairlanda® convoca sus Becas para la realización de Cursos de Inglés en Irlanda de dos semanas de duración durante el verano en un programa de inmersión todo incluido. Constan de un lote global de 20 becas dirigidas a estudiantes universitarios, de secundaria, bachillerato o formación profesional con una dotación presupuestaria aportada por Eurolingua Venairlanda en su totalidad.
El programa está becado al 100% e incluye:
  • Recogida en el aeropuerto y traslado al alojamiento.
  • La fecha del curso será en julio. Los menores de edad viajarán del 26 Julio al 9 de Agosto.
  • Alojamiento en familia o residencia/apartamentos.
  • Prueba de nivel.
  • Programa de 20 clases de inglés semanales.
  • Material didáctico.
  • Programa de actividades culturales visitas y excursiones.
  • Certificado de aprovechamiento del curso expedido por el colegio.
  • Supervisión por Monitores de Eurolingua en destino.
  • Teléfonos de emergencia 24 horas.
  • No incluido, pero gestionable gratuitamente, el billete de avión.

    Hasta las 23.59 horas del 8 de abril de 2020 aunque recomendamos no esperar a los últimos días para poder completar el apartado de méritos.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Running Dictation: A different way to work with Readers

Hard as it is to get students to read in English, it's totally worth it. 

Apart from more academic activities, such as comprehension questions, describing characters, recalling passages, writing reviews or summaries, students can have fun using their Readers.

This term, 3 ESO students are immersed in the world of Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective. For the first story they read, "A Scandal in Bohemia", students played a Running Dictation and, as the video shows, they did have some fun!