Monday, 18 September 2017

Welcome back to school!!

The new academic year is upon us! Are you ready? 
In order to have a good start, have a look to the following 20 back to school study tips and tell us what you think. Do you find them useful?
Can you think of any other ones? Feel free to post any suggestion.

Have a great year!!


  1. I think the video says something all the students know and it's very cliché. They're just the typical things.

  2. I reckon that not all of the tips would be useful, except some of them, because every student has his own method for doing the same tasks, even though the types in the video could be the most original ones.

  3. In my opinion the video is quite useful for people who have difficulties studying on concentration problems and this study tips could be very interesting for them.

  4. I think that not everybody will find these tips useful becasue we are all different and we have our own way to study
    For me it's useful to wake up early because I study better but for another person it'll be useful to listen to music while studying.

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  6. I think these video tips are very interesting to pass the course successfully. Some tips are more interesting than others but the students can choose the ones that are most interesting or the most appropriate to our way of studying.

  7. I reckon that the video provide us with some useful study tips, for subjects which have more to memorie. I think that everyone has their own method to study, so sometimes could be a little bit difficult to become used to use that kind of tips, even though they help us to highlight key points, something very important to study.

  8. I think that it's an very useful video. Although some tips aren't practical (like listening to music), the most of them could be really interesting to seize your study time.

  9. I think that some of these tips have already been heard quite a lot. Although they might work for some people, since eveyone has their own ways of studying, I feel like some of them are too much effort which might become even more stressing. Some of these were pretty interesting though and it might help some of us pass this school year.

  10. I think this video could be really usefull for some people to help them pass this course in an organized way. Some of the tips might also help us find the right way to study better.

  11. In my opinion this video could be useful for people who do not have a defined stydy method, these tips may work for some people or could not be helpul for other people, it depends on the person because each one have our own way of studying.

  12. In my opinion this vídeo was very educative

  13. I think all people have their different way to study or prepare for an exam, but this can be useful if you do not have any idea of what you should do before a test or whatever you need to make at the moment.

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  15. This video is very interesting for all students who need help to study or to organize their homework.
    I give this video a 10.

  16. In my opinion, the video is education and hepfull for the students, students who don´t know how organize the information when they study or make the homework.

  17. I think that the methods of study are very different depending on each person, so if you already have a good method of study, this video may not be very useful for you, but if you find hard to study and you don't get good results, I bet that trying these different tips you are going to find some very useful and improve your way of studying.

  18. In my opinion the video is educative and helpful for all students, special for students who has difficulties for study or make homework or who don't have a method to study.

  19. I think this video could be useful for students who don't have a method of study or who don´t know how to prepare for an exam or make the homework because in this video there are a lot of tips that you can use

  20. I found video quite helpful for students, specially for students that don't know how to study properly. It is also useful for students that have a very difficult exam.

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  23. I think the video is very interesting and it could be useful for some people who don't have any tip to study and also for people who don't know how to study. However I have to say that I'm not agree with some of these tips because I think we have our own methods to study.

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  25. I agree with this video and it is very interesting because is good for the students who do not know how to study.

  26. In my opinion, this video is very interesting, because it can help those people who have problems studying, or even to those people who are studying every day, because I am sure, that sometimes, all we felt overwhelmed or even stressed.

  27. For me this video isn´t very useful. I´ve got my own method and it Works for me at the moment. It says typical things but maybe someone use these tips.

  28. Personally I think this video gives some good tips to improve your way to study if you find it difficult or if you don't get good results. But if you already have a good method to study ,from my point of view you won't find it useful. Anyway each person is different and everybody has their own method to sudy.

  29. I am partly agree, because it will help some people that it's usually stressed or doesn't have a method to study, but it isn´t useful for people that have their own method to study or study everyday.

  30. In my opinion this video is cool for come back to school and try to do our best in this year

  31. From my point of view this video is insteresting but for somebody that has problems to study. But we have our own methods to study or to remenber something. I think that there are better tips to study.

  32. In my opinion, I think this video is useful for those people who don't have any method to study, or for those people who have problems studying. But personally, it won't be useful for me, because I have a good method that helps me passing exams.
    Daniel Duarte

  33. In my opinion the video can be useful but I think that each one has their own method to study

  34. I agree on the objective of the video,yes, it is useful, but i think each person has a different way to think,to do daily actions like studing. It can be useful for people how don't know how to study, so they don't do it. Can happen that he/she try something and it's not good for him/her. However the video is worked.

  35. I think this tips are useful for some prople but, each person is diferent so we have to choose the study method that is better for us.

  36. I agree with some issues about going back to school. This video can be useful at this moment. Sticky notes are helpful to recall dates, notes about a subject, or mobile phone numbers. Studying with music, is partly useful. Music can help you to focus. Not all kinds of music can do it, of course. You have to choose carefully and wisely what music will you study with. But it's also a distraction. This is my point of view.

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  38. this video is very usefut to those people who dont have any method to study and I like the method to studying with music becouse is very good to people love the music

  39. I don't find this video so useful. Maybe someone likes it, but first: some tips only works at the beginning of the course, like two weeks/one month; then, I totally disagree with others, like study with music, because if you pay attention to the music you lose focus, but if you try focus to study you won't listen to the music, so it's like if you don't have it... By the way you lose more time doing those tips than studying normally. If you want to study and you don't know how try new things, don't copy others. Maybe you can take ideas from videos like this one, but do not copy, be original, you know what I'm saying my niggi...

  40. In my opinion,I think this video is a good idea to promote methods of study but for many people these tips can not serve and others yes , so i'm partly agree

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  42. From my point of view this video will be useful for those students who have more difficulty however I think we have our own methods to study.

  43. The video has good tips I guess but I still don't consider them that useful cause if a kid has his ways of studying he won't change them,I don't even think he'd be looking at tips on how to study better.It was kind of useful though cause you can use some of them,the music tip wasn't good though cause you can start thinking about the song and get could listen to like relaxing sounds like nature or rain but I wouldn't recommend them cause it's still useless.The video was good though helpful for kids who don't know how to study.

  44. The video are good I think so to came tu school and start the New Engĺish club

  45. I think this video is really usefull for people that don't have their own study method and this video can promove other methods of studying

  46. I partly agree with this video. I think some of this tips are totally unuseful but for people who dont know how to study is a good point.
