Thursday 19 October 2017

Do you have a bucket list? What are some of the things that are on it?

Have a look to the following website where you can find different suggestions appearing in teen's Bucket Lists all around the world. Feel free to post some of the things you would like to do before your next birthday. 


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  2. First of all, I don't want to do anything, basicaly because my birthday is very close, and I have exams :)
    But I have to say something i don't like about that website, and it's that they have to talk more about food.

  3. In my case, I don´t know what i want to do before my birthday jajaja.
    But if I need to choose one, I would like to swim under the stars. :)

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    1. In my birthday in June I there are a lot of exams I never can do a bucket list

  5. My next birthday is very close (at the begining of December), so I don't have much time to do things.
    In spite of it, I'm going to play with my music band (I'm the electric guitar player) at a contest, so I'm practicing a lot to try to win.
    I'll also receive my califications of the first round of exams, so I'm going to study to get the marks that I'm expecting to achieve.

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  7. I will do a lot of things like learn to play the guitar :)

  8. Before my birthday, I would like to learn to play the batery :)
