Monday, 8 April 2013

British and American English

3rd ESO students have just seen some differences in vocabulary between the two most common varieties of English:  British and American.
My students always ask me what variety of English they learn. In this school, as in most schools in Galicia and Spain, the most studied variety is British English. However, thanks to TV, new technologies and social networks, teenagers have got very acquainted with American English. Thus, they usually speak of high school, movies, cookies, or soccer
What I'm posting today is a short list of some different words that British and North-American use to refer to the same things. 

Picture source: English is Fun

1 comment:

  1. I think everyone wants to ensure that they present their best work at all times. This is so whether someone is writing in English or another language. Of course, it easier when you are writing in the language that you grew up speaking. \

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